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AMEU | Association of Municipal Electricity Utilities

Membership Scope

The members of the association are electricity distribution utilities in Southern Africa who uses the association to strategise and lobby stakeholders on matters of common interest, to further common understandings of excellence in electricity distribution, and share knowledge, research technology and learning.

Member utilities pays a nominal annual membership fees, relative to the amount of energy distributed in a typical year by the utility. Provision is made for provincial government, other licensed non municipal distributors as well as regional utilities.

Utility representatives include heads of the utilities as well as board or council representatives. Provision is also made for second level managers in utilities in the "ordinary membership" class. 

Commercial members belong to the affiliate membership class, who are organized as a substructure of the association managed by its own committee and chairman, and operating their own budget. Affiliate members can use the association to engage with utility leaders, can arrange exhibitions and sporting events under the flag of the association to better related the commercial electricity components and services sector to their utilities clientele.